(450) 396-6496

Veuillez prendre notre que la liste d’attente pour les évaluations diagnostiques pour le trouble du spectre de l’autisme et autres troubles neurodéveloppementaux (ex.: TDAH) est actuellement fermée pour tout les âges (enfants, adolescents et adultes) et sera réévaluée en mars 2025. La liste d’attente pour les autres services reste ouverte et vous pouvez vous inscrire par notre onglet « Prendre un rendez-vous ».

Artists' corner

This section is intended to be a window on the works of autistic artists that we meet, as well as the works of their siblings and their friends. Come and discover a different vision that offers different works.

If you want to send us your works: drawings, comics, paintings, stories, texts, poems, photographs, videos and short films, etc. We will be pleased to exhibit your works on our site, on this page dedicated to you.


All you have to do is send us your work either in the form of a text file, image, video sequence which is transferred by email to the following address: mhprudhomme@ccifa-ted.com


Please send us some information about yourself: name, age, title of the work, what inspired you to do this work, your interests and passions. In short, a portrait of who you are.

Competitions will be organized from time to time and exhibitions could take place if some of our artists are interested in such a project.