(450) 396-6496

Veuillez prendre notre que la liste d’attente pour les évaluations diagnostiques pour le trouble du spectre de l’autisme et autres troubles neurodéveloppementaux (ex.: TDAH) est actuellement fermée pour tout les âges (enfants, adolescents et adultes) et sera réévaluée en janvier 2025. La liste d’attente pour les autres services reste ouverte et vous pouvez vous inscrire par notre onglet « Prendre un rendez-vous ».


Asperger's Syndrome: Testimony of Kenza


My name is Kenza Deschenes-Kherchi, I am 20 years old. I have Asperger's Syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome is a neurological disorder that is in the category of Autism. To get to what I am now, I had to put in a lot of adaptation effort with a different way of working. I have had several successes in my life. I have several qualities: Persevering, creative, tenacious, honest, helpful and hard-working! All these forces allowed me to achieve what I was able to accomplish in a Neurothypical world which means a normal world. On the other hand like all humans, I have flaws: too perfectionist, sometimes stressed and wanting TOO MUCH to improve socially. With my intelligence and my abilities I find ways to manage these situations.


To find out more, I invite you to come and read my blog.

