
Asperger's Syndrome: Testimony of Kenza


My name is Kenza Deschenes-Kherchi, I am 20 years old. I have Asperger's Syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome is a neurological disorder that is in the category of Autism. To get to what I am now, I had to put in a lot of adaptation effort with a different way of working. I have had several successes in my life. I have several qualities: Persevering, creative, tenacious, honest, helpful and hard-working! All these forces allowed me to achieve what I was able to accomplish in a Neurothypical world which means a normal world. On the other hand like all humans, I have flaws: too perfectionist, sometimes stressed and wanting TOO MUCH to improve socially. With my intelligence and my abilities I find ways to manage these situations.


To find out more, I invite you to come and read my blog.

