(450) 396-6496

Veuillez prendre notre que la liste d’attente pour les évaluations diagnostiques pour le trouble du spectre de l’autisme et autres troubles neurodéveloppementaux (ex.: TDAH) est actuellement fermée pour tout les âges (enfants, adolescents et adultes) et sera réévaluée en mars 2025. La liste d’attente pour les autres services reste ouverte et vous pouvez vous inscrire par notre onglet « Prendre un rendez-vous ».

History of our logo

I have known Émilie since she was 8 years old. I had the privilege of accompanying him in part of his schooling in elementary school. She has been a very important teacher for me in the evolution of my understanding of autism. More than 7 years ago, I started a private specialized clinic to help people with PDD. I wanted to create a logo that is unique and original.

Émilie's drawing talents immediately occurred to me and I contacted her family. After looking at several of her drawings, I wanted something more personal so I asked Émilie (verbally and in writing) to make me a drawing that represented "An office that welcomes people to help them". A few days later, I had this drawing which exactly answered my request. Interestingly, having used the word office (as a place), Émilie drew an office that is both a place (house) and a real office with a drawer included !!!

- Marie-Helene Prud'homme