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Adrien B.

My name is Adrien and I am 11 years old. I am very good at drawing. I draw landscapes, trains, planes and churches and ships. I prefer to draw with a pencil.

Luka Cruz-Guerrero

When he was very young, even before he had a good grip on his pencil, Luka only drew trains, the trains of Thomas and his friends. He very rarely drew people. Over time he became interested in drawing movie characters and insects. Luka was 7 years old in 2012, he continues to love drawing but currently he rarely does it on paper, he draws on the computer and sometimes in his painting.

He still loves insects, he watches Tiny, Funny little beasts, Miss Spider, A life of a beast or videos on the internet.


Photography and the piano are other passions, as are the cars from the film Cars, which knows and collects well. He has become a good pac-man player on the computer and he also likes to play stories with his figurines or soft toys and for that he carefully constructs the scene. He also adores road signals and is at the moment very interested in learning the route of each bus line and metro stations. Luka is happy to go to school, he doesn't like holidays or Christmas holidays. He has two friends, a boy and a girl. He does his homework at the same time every day, after his piano practice. Because he loves nature, his dream is to work in the botanical garden or with recycling machines. He would also like to do computer graphics and invent stories for films. He says he would never want to be an astronaut because he doesn't want to come out of the earth.

 thank you


My name is Bridgette and I am 9 years old. I am an illustrator and this is a drawing of a girl and her dog. I love to draw in Anime, and dogs. I don't have a dog as a pet but I have two rats called Wiskers and Nibbles. If you're writing a book but don't have an illustrator, let me know!

Sincerely and artistically,



My name is Ariane, I am 14 years old.

 The drawing of the girl with brown skin, sky blue eyes and red hair, is one of the characters that I created, her name is Stakaria. I went to great lengths to create it, even if it's hard to believe. 

 The other drawing, which is called The symbols, got this name, because there are two stories each of these symbols tell, but only one story per symbol and the story is different and have some things in common.