Karima Deschenes Kerchi

Karima enjoys painting portraits of invented characters. Having no training, Karima's art is pure and raw. When she sits down in front of a canvas, she never hesitates. What she transposes to it is her vision which comes straight from the heart.
Karima is 18 years old and she is autistic. She has been painting since 2004.
In 2007, she donated 40 paintings to the CLSC Samuel-de-Champlain, a unique opening which was the subject of a capsule in the major journal of TQS.
2006-2012 donation of paintings to the Foundation by Giant Steps (for silent auction)
2007 - A unique opening, CLSC Samuel-de-Champlain, Brossard (QC)
2008 and 2010 - Guest artist at Symposium Geneva Center, Toronto Convention Center
2010 - Figures Atypiques, collective exhibition of Vision sur l'art Québec, l'Entrepôt, Lachine (QC)
2011 - Group exhibition, Saint-Lambert library